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#2 Checkless chess

: only legal check is checkmate

Hermann STAPFF

white Pa7 Ka6 black Qb3 Pa2 Ka4 Ra3
#2 Checkless chess(2+4)


h#2 half-check

: the first check given does not threat to capture King, but the second in a row by the same piece does

10° Sake, Crète 2010
1° Prix

white Qc1 Sd4a5 Bg8h2 Kc2 black Qf3 Pd7 Kd6 Bg6 Rc7c5
h#2 half-check(6+6)
b) ♗h2-->f8


h#3,5 with neutral Grasshopper and Royal Rook

: can be played by a side or the other
: move on the Queen's line with the help of a hurdle ans she lands just behiind
: move normaly but with Royal attributes


neutral NGc3 black BGc1 black Royal Rh4 white Kd1
2 solutions

♜h4: Royal Rook
🨫c3: neutral Grasshopper
🨥c1: Grasshopper

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