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hs#3 Anti Take&Make
Petko A. PETKOV Bulgarian Wine1er-4ème Prize
white Qe6 Pe4d4 Ke3 Rh6
black Pg4g3c4a6 Kg5 Rf6 Se2d2
hs#3 AntiTake&Make(5+8)b) Bf6
: white plays and black collaborates until move n-1.
after which the statement becomes selfmate-1 move, i.e.: white plays 1 move and black finds himself
in the obligation to mate.
: when a piece is captured, it must replay a move at the discretion of the capturing piece..
This move does not count as a move played but as a complement to the "Take"
1.Qe6-f5 + Rf6*f5 [+wQa5] 2.e4*f5 [+bRf1] Rf1-e1 {} 3.f5-f6 + Se2*d4 [+wPd5] #{}
b) + bBf6{}
1.Qe6-e5+ Bf6*e5 [+wQc5] 2.d4*e5 [+bBb2] Bb2-c1 {} 3.e5-e6 + Sd2*e4 [+wPe5] #
{This problem highlights one of the characteristics of the genre :
A king can never capture a piece (not a pawn), because no matter what complementary move the captured piece makes, it would be in check}
h#2 Super Circe
Diyan KOSTADINOVThe Problemist, 2011
neutral Pf7g6e2 Kf6
h#2 Super-Circe(0+0+4)b) pe2-->g5
: a captured piece is reborn at the discretion of the taker.
When a pawn is captured and sent to promotion, it is also the taker who chooses the nature of the promotion
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