h#3 with Equihopper
: move using any unit as symetry center in limits of chessboard
white Bc8 Rd8 EQd7 Ke8
black Pe6 Ke4 Bd6
h#3(4+3)b) Rotate 90° to the right🩈d7: Equihopper
a) {}
1.Bd6-e5 EQd7-f3 2.Be5-f4 Rd8-d3 3.e6-e5 Bc8-f5 #{}
b) rotate 270 {Rotate 90° to the right}
1.f4-f3 EQg5-e1 2.Bf5-d3 Bh6-e3 + 3.Kd4-e4 Rh5-e5 #
h#2 Isardam
: it is illegal to have mutual observation between two opposite units of same kind
white Qd1 Kd6
black Qg6 Kg4
h#2 Isardam(2+2)2 solutions
{Apparent Play : }
1...Kd6-e5 2.Qg6-h5 + Ke5-f4 #{Real Play : }
1.Kg4-f4 Qd1-d4 + 2.Qg6-g4 Kd6-e5 #{}
1.Kg4-f5 Qd1-d5 2.Qg6-g5 Kd6-e6 #
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