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hs#2 maximum (!) Anticirce (!!) Super-Circe (!!!)

: Black must play longest legal move
: capturing unit is moved on its original square if free
if not, capture is nott legal
: captured unit can be reborn on any legal free square decided by capturing side


white Pb7d7c5 Ka1 black Pc8 Kc3 Bd4
hs#2 Maximum AntiCirce(4+3)
b) ♝d4-->c6


h#3,5 contra parrain Circe (!) with neutral (!!) équihopper (!!!)

: as parrain circe but the move is anti-equipollent instead of equipollent
: can be played by one side or the other
: move with the help of a unit which is the symetry center

The Problemist 2011

neutral EQf1 black Kc4 white Pc5 Kf3
h#3.5 contra Parrain Circe(2+1+1)
3 solutions

🩊f1: Equisauteur neutre

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