
Click in the right part of the chessboard to move forward, left to move backward...
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: two opposite unit of same nature controlling each other are paralyzed
: captured unit is reborn on its original square
: capturing unit is moved on its original square if free
If not, capture is illegal

The Problemist, 2009

white Pc7 Kb8 Bd4 Sf5 black Bb7g3 Kd5 Qb6 Pc6e6h4f2c4c3 Se4b2 Re7
a) orthodoxe
b) Madrasi
c) Circe
d) AntiCirce Cheylan


aidé 2 coups Take&Make

: after capture, capturing unit must pay tribute to captured one by make a move without capture with his moving way
If the second part of the move is not possible, first part is not possible

white Sc2 Pb2 Kd4 Ra4 Be4 black Pg5d6c7b7a7b5e3 Kb6 Re2 Sc4
h#2 Take&Make(5+10)
2 solutions

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