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h#2 with Vao and Mao

: Bishop needing a hurdle to capture
: Creeping Knight with a Rook step first

white Pc4 Ka1 Bb5 WMb2 VAc1 black Kc5 BMc2f5
2 solutions

🨍b2, 🨓c2, f5: Mao
🨶c1: Vao


h=3 Madrasi with Mao and Moa

: opponent's units of same kind which mutually observe are paralyzed
: creeping Knight with a Rook step first
: creeping Knight with a Bishop step first

white Pe2 Kh8 Ba7b3 WMd3 WOb6 black Ke4 Be6 BMa2 BOf4
h=3 Madrasi(6+4)

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