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hs#3 Mars Circe

: units play normally and virtually pass through original square to capture

white Qg1 Kb8 Rf1 black Qf8 Pc7 Kg3 Rd8 Bh5
hs#3 Mars Circe(3+5)


hs#3,5 coups Take&Make

: capturing unit must pay a tribute to the captured one by playing a move with his march without capture.
If the second part of the move is not possible, capture is illegal

white Sb1 Pa2 Kb7 Rd5c4 Bc5c2 black Bh8 Kc1 Qh7 Pa7a5 Se7g4 Rg6
hs#3,5 Take&Make(7+8)
2 solutions

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