h#2,5 ultra-patrol Anti-Andernach
: to move, a unit must be under observation of a unit of his side
: a unit playing without capture change color (excepted Kings)
white Pb6c7 Ba7
black Qa8 Ke5
h#2,5(3+2)Ultra-PatrolAnti-Andernachb) -♗a7
a) {}
1...c7-c8[+bSc8] {} 2.Sc8-d6[+wSd6] Ba7-b8[+bBb8] {} 3.Bb8-c7[+wBc7] Sd6-b5[+bSb5] #{}
b) -wBa7{}
1...c7-c8[+bRc8] {} 2.Rc8-c7[+wRc7] Rc7-a7[+bRa7] {} 3.Qa8-b8[+wQb8] b6*a7 #
h#4 ultra-patrol super Andernach
: any unit change color after moving (except Kings)
white Pa5b6
black Qc8c1 Ka8
1.Qc8-c7[+wQc7] Qc7-c5[+bQc5] {} 2.Qc1-b2[+wQb2] b6-b7[+bPb7] {} 3.b7-b5[+wPb5] b5-b6[+bPb6] {} 4.Qc5-a3[+wQa3] a5*b6[+bPb6] #
h#4 - Circe
: a captured unit is reborn on its original square if free.
white Kf1 Ba1h1
black Qf6 Pb6g4f7 Sc3 Bf8f3 Ka8
h#4 Circe
1.Ka8-b8 Ba1*c3 {}
2.Kb8-c8 Bh1*f3 {}
3.Kc8-d8 Bc3*f6 + {}
4.Kd8-e8 Bf3-c6 # {The Circe condition is necessary to make the Black King's journey unique}
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