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1 - h=4 Patrol

a unit (inc. Ks) may only capture or check when observed by a friendly unit.

The Problemist Supplement

white Pa7d6 Kh5 black Ph2 Ke6
h=4 Patrol


2 - h#3 Isardam

a unit (Ks excluded) may not observe a similar enemy unit, with this prohibited even up to capturing the king.


white Rd7 Ba8 black Kd5 Rd3 Bg2
h#3 Isardam


3 - #2 with Lions

Piece moving as a Queen, which make any number of steps in the same direction up to the hurdle,
and any number of steps in the same direction after the hurdle.
Squares must be free before and after the hurdle

The Problemist, 2004
2nd ?omm.

white Pd2 Bd3 Re2c4 Kg4 LId8e8g8e4 black Kd1 Bc5 Sd6e6
d8, e8, g8, e4: Lion


4 - h#2 - Einstein - 2 solutions

after a capture, the capturing unit is transformed as follows: P?S?B?R?Q?Q.
After a non-capturing move the moving unit is transformed as follows: Q?R?B?S?P?P.
Castling, which is also possible with a newly-transformed rook, results in the rook transforming to bishop.
Pawns on their back rank may move 1, 2 or 3 steps and are subject to en passant capture if moving more than 1 step.
There is no normal promotion on the 8th rank.

The Problemist Supplement, 2006

white Kf4 Re8 black Qe6 Kd4 Bc5 Sc3b1
h#2 Einstein
2 solutions


5 - aidé 2 coups - Take&Make - 2 solutions

a unit (Ks included) upon capturing must make a further non-capturing step in the manner of the captured unit as part of the same move.
Such a movement must be possible, otherwise the capture may not be made.
A capturing pawn may not be conveyed to the base rank.
A pawn promotes only if it is conveyed to the promotion rank by this part of the movement.
Checks are normal.


white Pe4 Kh8 Se3 black Kf8 Rc5 Sd4
h#2 Take&Make
2 solutions


6 - #2 - Take&Make


white Bg8 Kb7 Qb8 Pf7g5 Sc7 Rd5h7 black Pd7d4 Ke7 Sh4
#2 Take&Make


7 - #2 Take&Make


white Bg3d3 Ke8 Qc3 Pf2f6f7 Se7 Ra5 black Ph7g6d5d7 Bc1c8 Rb2h4 Ke6
#2 Take&Make


8 - series selfmate 24 moves

White plays a series of n moves, after which Black is compelled to mate.

The Problemist, 2002
2nd ?omm.

white Qf4 Pc2f2g2 Kc4 black Pd7 Ka4 Sd3b1


9 - h#2 - AntiCirce - 2 solutions

a unit (Ks included) which makes a capture is immediately reborn
(on the same square in which it would be reborn if it were the captured unit in the corresponding Circe variant).
The rebirth square must be vacant, otherwise the capture is not legal.
(A threatened king capture is only check if the capturing piece can be reborn).
By default, a unit may capture on the same square as the square upon which it is to be reborn.
The same rules for Ps, Rs and Ks as for Circe apply

11è TT Diagrammes, 1993
5th Prize

white Qd1 Kd7 black Ke4 Rb1 Bb3 Sd4f3
h#2 AntiCircé
2 solutions


10 - series selfmate 22 moves


white Kg7 Be1 black Pb4d3e4f5g6 Sh3g2 Rb1e8 Kh7
ser-s#22 AntiCirce


11 - #2


white Qd8 Pf6f4g2 Ke5 Re4h4 black Qg3 Pe6g6 Kg5 Sg8
#2 AntiCirce

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