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serial s=17 Exchange circe (PWC)

: taken piece is reborn on the starting square of the capturing move

white Kc8 Bb4 black Pd3a2 Ka1 Bb6 Rh6
ser-s=17 Exchange Circe (PWC)(2+5)


serial h=5 with grasshopper

: moves on the Queen's lines with help of a hurdle and it lands just behind.
Arrival square must be free or occupied by an opponent unit

The Problemist, 2004

white Rh1 Sf3 Bc1 Ke1 black Pe2 Kg4 Gh3
a) Grasshopper h3
b) Jumper (2,5) h3
c) 25" root jumper ((0,5) ou (3,4)) h3
d) Jumper (1,4) h3
e) Jumper (1,6) h3


h#2 with Imitator

: moves imitating the movement of the unit which just played.
to be legal, Imitator's move can't push it out of the chessboard or on an occupied square

Unpublished for Saint-Lazare - 2007

white Ke3 Bg2 black Pf2 Kb3 neutral Imitator g6
h#2 Imitator g6(2+2)
a) vertical cylinder
b) horizontal cylinder



h#3 Transmuted Kings

: King in check get the moving way of the unit checking him.


white Pc7 Kh3 black Qa1 Pf2d2c3a5 Kd7 Sd8
h#3 Transmuted Kings

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