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Bizarre diagrams

1 - h#2,5 assassin Circe


Bedoni, R & Poisson Ch

white Pb7c7 Ka1 black Qa7 Pb6c6f7f5e2g2h3 Sa6d5 Bd7 Kg8
h# 2.5(3+12)
assassin Circe



} 1...c7-c8=S 2.e2-e1=B b7-b8=Q 3.g2-g1=R {AUW} Qb8-g3 # {
Checkmate, because on each escape the King is captured:
} 4.Kg8-f8 Qg3*e1[+bBf8] {
} 4.Kg8-h8 Qg3*g1[+bRh8] {
} 4.Kg8-h7 Qg3*h3[+bPh7] {
} 4.Rg1*g3[+wQd1] {or} 4.Be1*g3[+wQd1] Qd1*d5[+bSg8]

2 - h#4 Circe Rex Inclusiv

Laborczi, Z.

white Pe7 Kh8 black Ke8 Rg8
Circe Rex Inclusiv
set play



J.A: } 1...Kh8*g8[+bRa8] 2.0-0-0 e7*d8=Q[+bRh8] 3.Rh8-h7 Kg8-f8 4.Rh7-b7 Kf8-e8 # {K:d8 impossible : Qd1)

} 1.Rg8-g7 Kh8*g7[+bRh8] 2.0-0 e7*f8=Q[+bRh8] 3.Rh8-h7 Kg7-f7 4.Kg8-h8 Kf7-e8 #

3 - inverse 6 coups Köko

Stroblers, R.

white Pf3 Kd5 Bh2 Rg1 black Kb7
s#6 Köko(4+1)



} 1.Rg1-g4 ! zugzwang. 1...Kb7-c6 {
} 2.Kd5-e4 zugzwang. 2...Kc6-d5 + {
} 3.Ke4-f4 zugzwang. 3...Kd5-e5 + {
} 4.Kf4-g3 zugzwang. 4...Ke5-f5 { (Ké4 impossible)
} 5.Kg3-h3 zugzwang. 5...Kf5-g5 { (Ké4 impossible)
} 6.Rg4-g2 6...Kg5-h4 #

4 - ser-h#6 2 solutions alsacian Circe


Caillaud, M.

white Pe7f2d2e4c5c6b3a4 Ka1 Bh3 black Sd8 Kc7 Pb7b4h2
ser-h# 6 2sol(3+12)
alsacian Circe



} 1.h2-h1=B 2.Bh1-f3 {(B×e4(e2)?)} 3.Bf3-d1 4.Bd1*b3[+wPb2] 5.Bb3*a4[+wPa2] 6.Ba4*c6[+wPc2] e7*d8=B[+bSb8] # {(7.K×d8(Bc1)??)

} 1.h2-h1=S 2.Sh1-g3 {(N×f2?)} 3.Sg3*e4[+wPe2] 4.Se4-f6 5.Sf6-d7 6.Sd7-b8 e7-e8=S # {(7.K×c6(c2)??)}

5 - s#2 Patrol

Cheylan, Y.

white Kb1 Rc2g7 black Ka1 Pc4 Bh8
s#2 Patrol(3+3)



} 1.Rc2-g2 ! {(The Rook is now "supported" by Rg7, thus preventing Ka1 from ascending)
} 1...c4-c3 {(the only legal move which has the disadvantage of unpinning Rg7)
} 2.Rg7-b7 + {(Check by Kb1 which is now "supported" by Rb7)
} 2...Ka1-b2 # {(the only legal move to parry the check ... checkmate !)}

6 - ser-h#9 2 solutions parrain circe

Lorinc, J.

white Kb5 Se4f5 black Kd5 Pe6e5
ser-h#9 2sol(3+3)
parrain circe



Set play :
} 1.Se4-c3 # {ou} 1.Se4-f6 # {

} 1.Kd5*e4 2.e6*f5[+wSf3] 3.Ke4-e3[+wSf4] 4.e5*f4 {
} 5.Ke3-f2[+wSg3] 6.f4*g3 7.Kf2-g2[+wSh3] 8.Kg2-h1 {
} 9.g3-g2 Sh3-f2 # {

} 1.e6*f5 2.Kd5*e4[+wSg4] 3.f5*g4[+wSf3] 4.Ke4*f3[+wSh3] {
} 5.g4*h3[+wSg2] 6.Kf3-f2[+wSh2] 7.h3*g2 8.Kf2-g1[+wSh1] {
} 9.Kg1*h1 Sh2-f3[+wSf2] #

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