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1 - s#3

Super Circe : as Circe, but rebirth square can be any vacant square on the board.

Avner, U, Caillaud & Widlert

white Bb3d4 Kc3 Qh3 Pg7c6b2c2e3 Se2g2 Rd7a5 black Ph6g6 Ke8
s#3 SuperCircé(13+3)



2 - 2#

AntiCirce : the standard type - units, after capturing, are reborn on their Circe rebirth squares.
If rebirth square is not free, capture is illegal

Cheylan, Y.

white Qb4 Sc3 Ra5h2 Kh3 Bd6f7 black Ba4 Ka2 Qe2 Pb5 Sb1 Ra1d5
#2 AntiCirce(7+7)



3 - 2#

Cheylan, Y.

white Ke1 Sh3 Ra1h1 Bh5 black Pg3 Kg1
#2 AntiCirce(5+2)



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