N+ppp vs B+pp
[Event "White to play and draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2007.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Villeneuve, A."]
[Black "0031.32"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/K7/b7/4Pk2/p1p5/2P5/2P5/5N2 w - - 0 0"]
[PlyCount "19"]
[EventDate "2007.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2022.01.01"]
{Based on an incorrect study of N. Grechishinikov 1980, published in the "Revue des
Echecs" no 15, study itself inspired by the famous Ortueta-Sanz game
1933.} 1. Ng3+ $8 Ke6 $1 (1... Kxe5 2. Ne2 $8 a3 3. Nc1 $8 Bb5 4. Kb6 $8 Ba4 5.
Ka5 $1 {(or on c5, on which ...Bb3? would go on to lose, because of a future
Nd3+)} Bb3 6. cxb3 $8 a2 $8 7. Nxa2 $8 cxb3 $8 8. Nc1 $8 Kd5 $8 (8... b2 $2 9.
Nd3+ $8) 9. Nxb3 Kc4 $8 $11) 2. Ne2 $8 a3 3. Nc1 $8 Bb5 4. Kb6 $8 Ba4 {Where
do you play your King ?} 5. Kc5 $3 {[#]} (5. Ka5 $2 Bb3 $3 {[#]} 6. Kb4 (6. cxb3 a2 $3 7.
Nxa2 cxb3 $8 8. Nc1 b2 $8 $19) 6... a2 $8 7. Nxa2 Bxa2 8. Ka3 Bb1 $8 {(was
the NG study)} 9. Kb4 (9. Kb2 Bxc2 $8 10. Kxc2 Kxe5 $8 11. Kd2 Kf4 $8 $19)
9... Kd5 $8 10. e6 Bxc2 $8 11. e7 Bg6 $8 12. Kb5 Be8+ 13. Kb4 Bd7 14. Ka5 Ke4
$19) 5... Bb3 6. Kd4 $3 {[#]} (6. cxb3 $2 a2 $3 7. Nxa2 cxb3 $8 $19) 6... a2 7. Nxa2
$8 Bxa2 8. Ke4 $8 Bb1 (8... Ke7 9. Kd4 $1 Ke6 10. Ke4 $8 $11) (8... Bb3 9. cxb3
cxb3 10. Kd3 $8 $11) 9. Kd4 $8 Ba2 10. Ke4 $8 {Reminiscent of some studies
by J. Beasley selected at the World Championships.} 1/2-1/2
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