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1 - 2# avec chinese pieces

Smulders, K.

white Pc2d2f3g2 Sb2 WLd5d7f5h8h6 Kb1 WVa7d3 black BVa1 BLc1 MAe4 Ke1 Pb4e2g4 PAe6
🨻e6: Pao
🨶a7, d3, 🨼a1: Vao
🨓e4: Mao
🨴d5, d7, f5, h8, h6, 🨺c1: Leo
pieces moving normally except for capturing where a sautoir is required.
A special case is the Chinese Knight which is a creeping Knight.
A rook step, then a bishop step for the Mao.
A bishop step then a rook step for the Moa.
Each square of the creeping movement must be free


2 - 2# with Locusts

Diot, R.

white Bf6h3 Ke1 WLd1d3g7 Pg6f5e6b5f2g3 Sd5c1 Rc6c5 black Ba1 Ke4 BLd4 Pc3f3 Sh8 Rb3b8
🨊d1, d3, g7, 🨐d4: Locust
Grasshopper who swallows the hurdle which is necessarily an opponent unit


3 - serial helped stalemate 9= Mars Circe

Innocenti, D.

white Qe3 Pb5 Ka4 Ba1c2 Sc7 black Se2 Kc3 Rb2d8 Bd1
ser-h=9 mars circe(6+5)
pieces move normally but before a capture,
they virtually pass through their original square.



4 - 2# annan

Gockel, H.

white Bf3b8 Ka8 Qc8 Pf5d2c2 Se1a4 Rd1a3 black Ph3g5c3d5b7b6 Sh1g8 Bh4 Ke3 Rd7
#2 annan(11+11)
Annan a unit acquires the march of the friendly unit located "under" it (to the south).
♙d2 playing momentarily as a Rook, the square f2 is forbidden to the ♚, which is not in check.
The square d4 is controlled by this same ♙, but also by ♘a4, also playing momentarily like a Rook.
1 ♘a4-g4+? ♟h3xg4! (the pawn plays like a ♝)


5 - PG 6 Make & Take

Make&Take the pieces move normally, but a capture takes place in 2 steps:
. - A preliminary movement with the march of the piece to be taken
. - The capture with the normal movement of the capturing piece

"Bonavoglia, M.

white Qf1 Pf2e4d2c2b3a2 Sg1b1 Ra1h2 Ke1 black Bf8 Kd8 Qc1 Ph7f7a7b5e7d7 Sg8c8 Rh8a8
     PJ 6 Make&Take(16+14)

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