
Click in the right part of the chessboard to move forward, left to move backward...
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To start the enchantment, a curiosity

#1 AntiCirce duodecuple check

the capturing piece is reborn on its original square if it is empty, otherwise the capture is illegal.
an exception however when the square of capture and rebirth are identical :
the capture is possible in Calvet type and illegal in Cheylan type


white Qg1 Sf5e6c6b5b3c2e2f3 Rd7a4g4 Kf2 black Kd4 Sa1
#1 AntiCircé(13+2)
par échec duodécuple


serial r#5

when one side has the opportunity to checkmate in 1 move, it must execute it

. < the side that starts plays a series of moves in a row
Here, the series of moves must be played with white without putting himself in a situation of mate in 1 move

Evguenyi BOURD

white Bb4b1 Ke4 Qe8 Pf5g4h3h2e3a3 Sg1 Re2c6 black Pg5c7 Kh4 Be1a8 Rf7a4
2 solutions


serial r#6


white Qf4 Pg2h3c3d5f7 Kf3 black Pd6e7a6f2 Kb5 Rf5
2 solutions
Notwithstanding the AUW (and the great economy), this problem was ranked 4th (behind the Bourd, that is, but also behind two poor problems) by judge Mladenovic, because there is only one white mate instead of two. Still the "thematic imperatives"...


#2 with lion-piece

: piece needing a sautoir to move
. the path must be free between the start square and the sautoir
. The same applies between the sautoir and the landing square, which may nevertheless be free or occupied by an opposing piece

James QUAH

white Bb1 WBg8 Kc7 WLe1 Pd7h4d4a4 Sg1c1 WRf1d8 black BBc2 Kc4 BLg3 Pc3h7 Sd1 BRh2
🨶g8, 🨼c2: Fou-Lion
🨴e1, 🨺g3: Lion
🨵f1, d8, 🨻h2: Rook-Lion

hs#3 Take&Make with Nightriders

if a piece performs a take, it is required to perform a make
complementary with the march of the captured piece

white plays and black helps them until move n-1
then, on move n, the statement becomes selfmate 1 move

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white Pb3a6f2 Bc6 Ra5d3 Kb4 Na4 black Be7 Kg6 Nc5c4 Qd5 Pf7g7h5 Rf4
b) ♙a6-->h4
🨢a4, 🨨c5, c4: Noctambule


hs#3,5 Kobul Kings with Pao, Vao and Leo

: The King gets the march (and keep it) of the captured piece of his side
. Note that if it is a pawn that is captured, the King recovers his normal march

: the pieces move normally, but to capture move like Lion pieces


white Pa5a3b3 Ra6 Bb2 Ka4 black VAg7 Kh7 LEe5e6 PAg6 Pf6e2
hs#3,5 Kobul Kings(6+7)
🨻g6: Pao
🨼g7: Vao
🨺e5, e6: Leo



h#2 disparate chess AntiAndernach with apparent play and Nightrider

In (invented by R.Bédoni) if one side plays a piece, the opposite side cannot play in reply a piece of the same kind.

: when a piece is played without capturing, it changes colour


white Pb3d6 Se5d4 Ba1 Kg1 black Pg5g3g2 Kf6 Bh1 Nd7
h#2 Disparate AntiAndernach(6+6)
🨨d7 : Nightrider


h#2 Einstein Take&Make

if a piece makes a capture, it moves up in the hierarchy, otherwise it moves down
. respectively p->N->B->R->Q and Q->R->B->N->p
if a piece makes a take, it is required to make a move (Make)
complementary with the march of the captured piece

Alberto ARMENI

white Pa2 Sd2 Ke8 black Pb7c7e7e6d3 Kc8 Rb8d1
h#2 Einstein Take&Make(3+8)
3 solutions


s#3 Maximum

black is required to make the longest geometrically legal moves


white Pb7e3g2g3h4 Sd8 Ba4e1 Kf6 Rd2 black Ke8 Pa3c5f2g6 Sc6 Rh6g8 Bh7

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