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1 - h#2 Isardam

The Problemist 1997

white Kf8 Rg8 Bh1 black Qd4 Rb8 Ba8 Kc6
h#2 Isardam(3+4)
: it is illegal to allow two opposing pieces of the same kind to be placed in mutual "observation"


2 - #2 Transmuted Kings with Grasshoppers et Nightriders

& Theodor TAUBER
Rozmaitosci szachowe 1997

white WGc6a4 Kc5 WNh6a6 Ph7 Sc3 Rh2f6 black Bc4 BGc8 Ke8 BNe1 Qc2 Pd5d3d2g3g6 Rc7
#2 Transmuted Kings(9+11)
🨟c6, a4, 🨥c8: Grasshoppers
🨢h6, a6, 🨨e1: Nightriders
: when a King is in check, it catches the moving way of the piece that puts him in check
when it is not in check, its march is normal
. : a piece that needs a sautoir for any movement
. The path must be clear between the starting square and the sautoir and the square behind the sautoir must be free or occupied by an opposing piece
. Nightrider : Knight able to make several successive jumps in the same direction


3 - h#2 Mars Circe with Nightrider

The Problemist 2001

white Qa3 Pd7b4 Kf4 Rb6 Nc2 black Be8g1 Ka4 Qe7 Pd6d5 Se2b7 Rg3
h#2 Mars Circe(6+9)
3 solutions
🨢c2: Nightrider
: to capture another one, a piece virtually passes through its native square
. : A knight who can make several successive jumps in the same direction


4 - s#4 Sentinels with chinese pieces

The Problemist 1997
1ère MH

white WVd8 Bb8 WPf8 Kg7 WLd7 Qe3 Pa7f7h7h6c4 Sc7 Re7 black Pc6 Kc8 BLe8 BPg8 BVh8
s#4 Sentinels(13+5)
🨵f8, 🨻g8: Pao
🨶d8, 🨼h8: Vao
🨴d7, 🨺e8: Leo
: A piece (not a pawn) that plays "defecates" a pawn on the starting square of the move
. When nothing is specified, the number of pieces present must not exceed 8 per side
. : pieces moving normally, except for the capture where they need a sautoir
. the path must be clear between the starting square and the sautoir, as well as between the sautoir and the capture square
. Leo has the Queen's march, the Pao of the rook and the Vao of the bishop

5 - #2 Mars Circe

T.T. Paisley - 1996 - prize

white Bg1 Ke1 Qe4 Pg3g7d2 Sa5 Rg2 black Qd1 Pf4g4 Kf3 Re2
#2 Mars Circe(8+5)
: to capture another one, a piece virtually passes through its native square


6 - h#4 Back-to-Back

Kalyanasundram SEETHARAMAN

white Ph2 Kb2 black Bg8 Kh8 Qh7 Pe5 Sd6 Ra1d8
6 - h#4 Back-to-back(2+7)
Back-to-Back (fesse to fesse in french) :
When pieces of opposite colors stand back-to-back with each other on the same file, they exchange their roles.
P on the first rank cannot move.
Any piece can make an en passant capture when it is given a power to move as P by BTB.

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