december 2 2003

Master's word

De jongSushkovA curious 3# with blocking bishop. A triple echo in the 6#. And a helpmate who answers him: a superb stepped echo. NovomeskyLet's remember that in a 5.5 move helpmate, White starts and checkmate at their 6th move.

An endgame played with a "study move", as those who don't know them usually say. And a real study which, in turn, looks like a game.

The 13th world champion may be a "trinket of sound inanity", as Mallarmé said, but he knows how to lead a game. An Evans gambit, do you see that? Maybe one day a King's gambit? It's a pity he doesn't just play well, he chats. He even analyzes. And badly.

You have another (very recent) game for the same price, White led by a real regular of this gambit, the 2nd English player, known for his outspokenness. But, unlike the previous one, it does not go with the wind, not having a "dead-leaf ambition", according to the beautiful expression of a great French philosopher.

Have a good read.

Master's diagrams

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